Services > Cloud
“The Cloud”. In any context other than the internet, the term might sound ominous, but for most of us today, it is a large, very vague entity that makes wonderful things, like webmail and online file-sharing, possible. While cloud computing has been around for decades (the term “cloud computing” was first coined in 1996, by Compaq Computer engineers and implementations of cloud computing date back earlier yet), it is only over the past ten years that it has entered our collective consciousness. Much, if not most, of The Cloud’s current popularity is owed to explosion in the use of mobile devices, which is driving the need for multiple access points to the same information and/or services. With the right cloud based – mobile tools and the right implementation expertise, as we have here at MobilityPro, businesses can reap considerable gains, simplify operations and reduce costs. In fact, most of the mobility products we represent, e.g. MaaS360, Make-Sense, PingIdentity and Egnyte, have already fully cloud infrastructure.